The Great Norse Run Team

Simon Lemon
Education, sport, adventure, and the protection of others have been the driving forces throughout Simon’s life. Whether it was summiting big peaks in the Alps and Rockies or competing in the 09 – 10 Clipper Round The World Yacht Race, it was in these challenging environments that he felt the most fulfilled. These driving forces and his love of extreme challenges became the nucleus for his concept for Team Status Code 14.
Like most of those serving in the Emergency Services, Simon has been exposed to multiple traumatic incidents during his career as a Police Officer, sustaining both mental and physical trauma, including being stabbed on duty.
Although seemingly unaffected by this, he has seen first-hand the profound effect these incidents have had on his friends and colleagues. On a number of occasions, he has been on the end of the telephone feeling utterly helpless with friends literally on the precipice of despair suffering from PTSD.
That same feeling of helplessness, however, also caused him to seek medical advice after he noticed a lump on one of his testicles, whilst showering after a training session. Like most men, he ‘buried his head in the sand,’ ignored it, and did nothing about it. This built into fear and anxiety. Prompted by his wife, he eventually visited his GP and it was quickly established that there was no need for concern. But why leave it to luck why take a chance, why feel helpless?
Through Statuscode14, Simon wants to raise awareness of PTSD within the ‘Bluelight’ Emergency Services, raise awareness of treatable Men’s Cancers and most importantly raise money for the 2 charities working to treat PTSD (Rock2Recovery) and Men’s Cancers (The Chestnut Appeal).

Steve Dredge
Adventure, believing anything is possible and a love of the outdoors has been the catalyst for some of the great moments in Steve’s life and the mantra that kept him going through his toughest of times.
Steve was diagnosed with PTSD in 2017, the result of several traumatic incidents accrued during his 30 year military and Police career.
Steve was lucky, he asked for help and received support, counselling and mentorship from mental health professionals, family and friends.
After using running and adventure sports as a way of helping him manage his PTSD and an off the wall suggestion from co founder Simon, that they both row across the Atlantic Ocean! Statuscode14 was born.
Steve’s goal now is that Statuscode14 raises as much money as possible for the charities and to develop it into a platform for those with PTSD or Cancer to plan, take part in and complete their own challenges.

Scott Dawson
Scott is a motivated individual who has forged a successful career in the marine industry over the last 20 years. He likes nothing more than a challenge. Although Scott has never served, in previous years he has given up some of his spare time to volunteer for the tri-services sailing charity Toe in the Water, which has truly inspired him and maintained his focus on the services and all they stand for.
Following on from that he decided to challenge himself to become the first person in the world to circumnavigate the Isle of Wight by swimming, cycling and running around it. All non-stop. He used this as an opportunity to raise valuable funds for his chosen charities and raised over £25,000 for the Marine Conservation Society and Meningitis Now.
Since completing the 104km swim, he has helped other people set new world records and has been inspiring young minds by giving talks at schools and to Duke of Edinburgh Awards ceremonies. The next generation are of great importance to him and through the local sailing club and swimming club he continues to dedicate much of his spare time to ensuring his children and their peers are given every opportunity available to them, and can strive to be the best they can be.
Since joining Status code 14, Scott has run the length of Hadrians Wall from Tynemouth to Bowness with Steve, and is looking forward to the next challenges which also include aiming for a PB at the London marathon in April 2024.
The summer of 2024 will see the team participate in the ‘Great Norse Run’ – 10 days of running across Iceland, a total of 209 miles!
Widely known as “The Land of Fire and Ice”, Iceland is home to some of the largest glaciers in Europe and some of the world’s most active volcanoes. Completing just shy of a marathon a day for ten days, the team will weave their way through Iceland, rough camping each night, washing in rivers and running across this fairy-tale landscape.
Leading Statuscode14 into the land of the Vikings will be Danny Bent and Nick Carter.
Danny’s passion in life is to bring people together to show what’s possible through teamwork and positivity. He’s pogoed across Togo, cycled to India, run across North America and survived the BBC TV show “Ultimate Hell Week”.
Nick has climbed Everest and swum the English Channel. His passion is to organise adventures that stretch people beyond their comfort zones and prove what’s possible with a bit of grit and determination.
Further details and dates about the ‘Great Norse Run’ will be coming soon. Watch this space!